
No More Excuses!

Success or Failure

What excuses are you wrestling with today? Failure or success, life or death, right or wrong you; you always are gifted with the power to believe and choose. It is frequently said that, If you think you will, you will, if you think you won’t then…sigh…you won’t. This is the norm not the exception. What we believe(mind) connects with what feel(heart) and that determines what we do(actions made from our decisions).

What about your life have you told yourself will never change? Where do you see defeat and not a shred of victory? You have to see it before you see it in order to see it? What do you see beyond what you literally see? Is your life vision looking through the lens of where you’ve been and what you don’t have?

Today I heard an awesome sermon coming from John 5:7-8.
Here are the 4 Points:
1) God will meet you where you are at.
2) Your circumstances might now be just right but BELIEVE God.
3) No Excuses, don’t depend on people, depend on God.
4) Get up and Move by Faith.

What excuses (percieved or real) do you want through the power of God to dismiss?
Mark 10:27 reminds us that with Man this looks impossible but now with God, because with God all things are possible. Nothing, Nothing, Nothing is impossible.

If you were talking to someone with your life circumstances, how would you encourage them to GET UP and MOVE FORWARD?

Share your encouragement below. You may be the only one to speak life directly into the life of someone reading this today!

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