
When God Says No!


Someday we will understand that God has a reason in every NO which He speaks through the slow movement of life. How often, when people are worrying and perlexing themselves about their prayers being answered is God answering them in a far richer way! Author unknown

This morning I am thinking about the various times when I prayed and God said “NO”. Sometimes it was a quiet internal No, like when I am trying on a dress that I really want and that inner voice says nope, not the one for you…leave it here in the store or the Loud earthquake No, like when I am needing to make a career decision that is life critical and God says not that is not the job for you…I think about inner turmoil I experienced because at that time I thought my desire, my request would be best for me…Yet, I now look back and say, THANK YOU GOD for saying NO!

Today you may be reading this and feeling so frustrated. Frustrated because He promised and you are standing on His promises and trying to maintain your faith. All you really want is to MOVE FORWARD and you are praying and it seems as though all your hearing and seeing is NO!!!

Remember, we have seen too many victories to let defeat have the LAST Word! Keep standing and trusting that
Not one of all the LORD’s good promises will fail; every one will be fulfilled. Read Joshua 21:45

Hmmmmmmm…Where in your life are you seeing a NO and need to change your mindset from Deafeat to Victory?
Commit to changing your mindset right now… I will trust when God says NO! All His promises will be fulfilled for my life….

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