About Adrienne

My name is Adrienne Townsend and here is my story.  I grew up in New York City where I went to high school and then college and grad school in Massachusetts.  I was an educator.  I had it all figured out…or so I thought.

Let me step back for a second and tell you what led up to my uncertainty…

I had been regularly attending church and was actve during my teenage years. I enjoyed leading out, participating, the friends I made, praising and worshipping but I had no desire to be in ministry full-time. As the years moved forward, the Lord placed a vision for my life in the minds of church leadership. I was invited from time to time to be the guest speaker for various church events, rallys, conferences…Yet, I did not see it as a “calling from God”, instead to me it was merely something “fun to do” from time time…

Jer 29:11-13 reminds us that God has plans for each of our lives. My plan was to teach for a few years and then change careeers and become a TV newscaster. However, in the midst of my controlling my own destiny God reached out began to open the door widely for full-time ministry. So wide I could not deny the invitation. Accepting the invitation meant that almost every area of my life was going to take a drastic turn. DRASTIC….

Yet, I can honestly say that although there has been many challenging moments/seasons/episodes on this journey with the Lord, he has truly never left me nor forsaken me. He reminds me daily of Jer 33:3….Call unto me and I will answer and show you great and mighty things you know not of…

When I am tempted to quit, turn around, run away, move to the side, or faint, God says forward Adrienne…Forward Movement is what is required…No other option but to trust and move forward, pray and move forward, believe and move forward, do not doubt and move forward, obey and move forward.

Phil 3:4 I press towards the mark…Forward Movement…God has a purpose for your life. Through God I am able to operate and live in that purpose each and every day. Don’t give…Lean, walk, or run into your PURPOSE. Forward Movement…That is All!

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