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When God Says No!

Someday we will understand that God has a reason in every NO which He speaks through the slow movement of life. How often, when people are worrying and perlexing themselves about their prayers being answered is God answering them in a far richer way! Author unknown This morning I am thinking about the various times […]

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Letting Go and Moving Forward

Letting Go and Moving Forward. I have read and reread several of Stephen Covey’s books. So when I saw this Pintrest I immediately downloaded it. It resonated with me because I could identify and relate to the points I had to give up in the past(#7) in order to be where I am today and […]

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FRETTING!!! To be constantly or visibly worried or anxious. “she fretted about the cost of groceries” synonyms: worry, be anxious, feel uneasy, be distressed, be upset, upset oneself, concern oneself; One of the key distractors to overcomimg failure is fretting. It has been said that we spend 90 percent of our time worrying about things […]

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